Ben Perrell- Coaching, Testing, Consulting

My goal is for you to live well, feel good, and perform at your best.Regardless of your experience, I am passionate and committed to providing comprehensive and personalized coaching that fits your lifestyle and specific needs.I have consulted with military operation teams, medical professionals, and international athletes to design effective training plans and complementary lifestyle practices. I have been fortunate enough to work professional, Olympic, and collegiate athletes as well as individuals simply looking to move and feel better.I offer fully individualized coaching focused on simplifying and improving your well-being and overall performance. I provide metabolic and performance testing services to gain insights into your physiology. These tests allow for integrative, data-driven decision-making giving you the best opportunity for success.My approach is to work with you to master the habits and skills needed to achieve your goals and support you throughout all of life and sport.Credentials:
BS in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
Masters in High Performance Sport Strength and Conditioning
ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Adjunct Instructor at Bastyr University
Former Neurology Medical Assistant

ben perrell

Individualized Coaching

We all have a unique definition of health and success. I offer customized coaching empowering individuals towards overall well-being while high-performing in fitness and life. Your plan goes beyond traditional fitness methods, providing a holistic approach that integrates actionable strategies for sleep, nutrition, stress management, and recovery. I assist you in simplifying your journey through efficient organization and providing the resources and tools you need for seamless integration into your existing lifestyle, maximizing effectiveness while minimizing disruption.In person or remote, I accept individuals from all stages of life, including athletes seeking peak performance, professionals aiming to optimize daily routines, and anyone else who struggles balancing responsibilities with self-improvement. The only prerequisites are a commitment to yourself and the process to achieve your athletic or lifestyle goals.

What You Will Receive:

Continuous communication, support, and advice as needed to keep you progressing.Activity specific exercise programming taking into consideration your sports, interests, and resources.Fitness Programming that fits your resources, goals, and bodyNutritional Guidance with meal planning and suggestionsLifestyle and resource recommendations such as sleep, stress management, and decision making.Program delivery via QuickCoachExclusive offers on testing services.Pricing varies due to individual needs *3 month minimum commitment
In-Person Session $100/session

Seattle Sports Coaching

JK- Athlete and Portfolio Manager

"After a history of concussions from sport, working with Ben allowed me to:1) Better control emotions and myself. 2) Get in better physical condition to give my mind it's best chance to work. 3) Develop strategies to optimize mental and physical health for the longest periods possible."

Seattle Health coaching, metabolic testing, vo2 max

EF - Program Manager

I had hit a plateau in weight loss and was unsure how else to push my body in a healthy manner. With Ben, I was able to address my plateau, continue with my goals, and understand the holistic approach. The coaching is more than the time spent in the gym, but the little habits and movements made throughout your day.

seattle sport performance coaching

ZB - Professional Athlete

After my ACL surgery everything we did was something that prepared me for what I did in college. I also have never been as strong as when I was training with Ben. The training we did prepared me for how strong I needed to be. When I got there, I was ahead of all the other freshmen going into the season.

Metabolic Testing in SeattleVIBE Health and Performance Labs

metabolic testing seattle


Everything is connected to everything else. Metabolic testing provides insights into lung, heart, brain, and cellular health both at rest and during exercise. Whether you are on a diet, training plan, or stuck at a plateau testing helps reduce guesswork and receive valuable information about your health, wellness, and overall fitness.


I provide in-home testing services bringing state of the art equipment to you. Most metabolic testing takes 10-15 minutes depending on your fitness level and can be done on a treadmill, bike, or rowing machine. Depending on your sport, field testing can be done anywhere. If you do not have access to equipment a Concept 2 Rowing Machine is provided for your convenience.


Each metabolic test includes a detailed report and a review of your results. Training, nutrition, and lifestyle plans can be created using the results that are specific to addressing and reducing your limitations to achieve your goals.Most tests only give you a sheet of numbers. With VIBE you receive more than just a sheet of numbers; you also receive the WHY to make better decisions and develop specific plans for improvement.If you already have a coach I am happy to share the information to give you the ability to continuously improve and thrive.Please inquire about additional testing services to fit your needs.

Resting Metabolic Rate


Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the calories your body needs to function at rest and is an essential tool for nutrition and fitness plans.Learn your body's fuel efficiency and see how you burn fat and sugar as well as your metabolic rate.Macronutrient and calorie suggestions for feeding your body in a way that aligns with your specific health and fitness goals.Gain insight into how your breathing and stress may be influencing your metabolism and health.

RMR+Exercise Package


The most affordable and comprehensive metabolic testing in Seattle.Gain additional insights into your health and performance by combining both resting and exercise data.Accurately determine your caloric needs by combining information from both rest AND exercise.Identify potential heart and metabolic health risks and underlying issues from respiratory diseases.

Exercise Performance


A comprehensive and holistic analysis of your fitness and body functions during exercise.Accurately determine your VO2 Max, an indicator of overall fitness and longevity.Receive Custom Training Zones to better structure your plan and train smarter.Learn how you burn fat and carbohydrates during exercise so that you can train and fuel your body appropriately.Discover the what is limiting your performance, and how to improve with precision.

I'm always happy to help. Feel free to reach out

© Copyright Vibe HPL LLC 2023-Present. All rights reserved.

Ben Perrell, VO2 max, PNOE, metabolic testing
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